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Church Shopping?
Every once in a while it is always good to have a laugh on ourself! I don’t watch King of the Hill regularly, but I found this link from TheWorshipLeaderPodcast and couldn’t help but laugh! Just click on the video below to play it. Hope you enjoy it! [youtube=]
:|: God :|: Media :|:: Topic for Tuesdays: The Basics
I have been recently following the blog of David Wilcox. He is the Techncial Director of Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland and has written some good stuff you might want to take a look at. On Tuesdays, he has covered some “basics” on sound. As he puts it, Everyone can use a refresher in […]
BVBC Podcast – Techie Info
The following is an attempt to help explain (and show) how we are capturing weekly sermon audio for the BVBC Podcast. For background on the podcast, check out my earlier blog entry. For starters, we have run a connection from the sound board to the computer using the “Aux 3” output. You’ll notice that going […]
New Photos Added
Surrender Originally uploaded by gregdavispsu. Just wanted you all to know I uploaded a bunch more photos from our Oxygen Starter Kit CD as well as the graphics used from this past Easter to our Flickr BVBC Worship group site. Have fun and let me know if you have any questions or problems getting to […]