I was very fortunate to get to attend the Sunday morning English service of City Harvest Church, which is held in the Singapore Expo Center. The church has over 20,000 members with 7,000 to 8,000 filling Hall number 8 of the Expo Center for the English Service at the 10 am Sunday service!

It was obvious that the Holy Spirit is alive and working among these passionate believers. I was truely a blessing to be able to be half way around the world yet still able to praise and worship Jesus Christ in this way.
While these photos are from their Opening Services of Singapore Expo Hall 8 in December, there are very much like the service I attended on March 12. Theses give a idea of what it was like to be there.

The place was filled to capacity with people excited to praise our Savior.

It was exciting to see worship that was lead in a very dynamic way.

Worshippers coming in before the service.

Another very interesting thing is how they are organized to get volunteers who want to sign-up for the various ministies they have. If you look at this web page you can see the different ministry areas where they have needs and by clicking on one of them, you see what positions are currently available and can even sign-up online! Great way to make use of techncology.