Today is the start of Hanukkah, the first day of the Festival of Lights. My beer has nothing to do with that. Today is also World Human Rights Day which remembers the day the General Assembly of the UN adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. My beer has nothing to do with that. Today is also National Lager Day – BINGO! (yes, it is actually a thing)
Lager beer is one of the most popular styles throughout the world. This clean, crisp, light, easy-drinking style is popular in many cultures and found almost everywhere. Lagers and pilsners dominate the “big beer” market (think Budweiser, Coors and Miller) which has unfortunately given them a bad rap. Lagers don’t have to be watered down and tasteless! Enter Moselle by @allagashbrewing, which is a blend of a lager and a farmhouse saison, bringing together the storied brewing traditions of Germany and Belgium in a crisp, balanced, easy to enjoy beer. Allagash Brewing Company is in Portland, Maine and dedicated to crafting the best Belgian-inspired beers in the world. 🇧🇪

For the month of December I am going to try a different beer every day! Here’s the log so far:
1. Sabotage #3 (DIPA) by Round Guys Brewing Company 3.8/5.0
2. Organik Amplitude (NE Pale Ale) by Wilmington Brew Works 4.3/5.0
3. Eutony (DIPA) by Hidden River Brewing Co 3.5/5.0
4. Sartorial Absence (DNEIPA) by Wilmington Brew Works 4.5/5.0
5. Dorsia (Belgian Triple) by Stitch House Brewery 3.7/5.0
6. Winter Reserve Coffee Stout (2020) by 2SP Brewing 4.2/5.0
7. Sour Monkey (sour) by Victory Brewing 3.8/5.
8. Stormy Escapes (Imperial Stout) by Triple Bottom Brewing 4.5/5.0
9. Nocturnal Indiscretion; Midnight Snacks – Vanilla (Stout – Other) by Wilmington Brew Works 4.4/5.0
10. Moselle (lager – pale) by Allagash Brewing Company 4.0/5.0
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