Originally uploaded by gregdavispsu.
To conclude my visit to Oklahoma, I had the opportunity to go to the 5:00 pm Saturday night experience at the Edmond campus and then the 6:30pm experience at the Oklahoma City campus. Edmond is a satellite campus and gets a live feed direct from the OKC campus. Both services rocked! The worship was incredible at both, but the thing that surprised me the most was how baptisms where handled at Edmond. During the service the main center screen showed baptism taking place live, but in a different area.
The really cool part was that during this time we did not stop singing or praising, but rather we were encouraged by the worship leader to do so even louder each time a new believe came up out of the water! I really felt like we were joining with the angels in hevean as they rejoiced and celebrated.
LifeChurch.tv OKC CampusAt OKC campus I got to see Craig Groeschel preach in person. I was impressed with how good the first service I saw at the Edmond campus was in comparision to the service where Craig preaches from directly.
These service were enjoyable on may levels. First, I love the loud, all-out
Stage Area for Warror Series worship style with plenty of guitar and drums. These guys didn’t hold anything back and it showed. They gave everything they have and I believe Christ was honored. Second, these are definately services you could invite an unchurched friend or neighbor to. Nothing to be ashamed of or embarassed about. Third, the Word of God was preached openly. There is no question that Craig is a man after God’s heart and it shows in his preaching.
I’m glad I got to see LifeChurch.tv in person. They are doing amazing things for Jesus not only in Oklahoma but all across the country and even the world. I had previously only seen them via the Internet Campus, which I must say is also very high quality and very real. If you have never tried it, you might want to take a peek. If you don’t believe the internet is an effective tool for reaching people for Christ, listen to campus pastor Brandon as he talks about the impact it had in the month of March alone. Over 400 people made decisions to commit their lives to Christ!
The team at LifeChurch.tv is not afraid to try new things. You may have heard last year about there virtual campus in Second Life. If not, you can take a free tour here.