This is going to be a very interesting and competitive market over the next 18 to 24 months. What do you think would you try a digital wallet or would you be too concerned about privacy and theft? [For more check out this post.]
Future Tech
Google TV
Google announced today their latest innovation – Google TV. The idea and concept is hard to deny. I wonder if the term “television” will even have any unique meaning in another 10-15 years. The convergence of the web and traditional technologies continues to blur the distinct boundaries that used to give identity to each. […]
The Future of Printing
via I love this concept! One of the biggest headaches in an IT persons life is having to update or install device drivers to be able to print correctly. While Apple computers are generally easier and simpler than PC’s in this area, they are not 100% support-free. I believe we will continue to see […]