This past week, I joined 3 others from the staff at Fellowship Church, Pastor John Cremeans, Ben Jones, and Dan McInnes and we did something crazy, something adventurous and something I had never done before. We went skydiving!
Left to right: me, Dan, John, & Ben
This has been a life goal of mine (thanks Mark Batterson for the inspiration) and I was excited about the chance to live it! Pastor John, used his jump as a great illustration in his message today of being willing to take risks in life. As we are going through a series about how to Elevate our spiritual growth, this was a great way to find out what doing something “risky” was really about. Free falling for 60 seconds from almost 14,000 feet is quite a rush – you aren’t afraid of much after that!
I was reminded how God has many wonderful things promised for us, if we are willing to take a step of faith and step out of the plane! I could never have never known what that experience was like unless I believed that I could trust in someone other than myself and had faith. I was also reminded of Mark Batterson’s point about the importance of setting life goals. Without them, we just tend to coast through life wondering why we never do anything really significant. The beauty and the trick of it, is to get my goals and dreams inline with God’s hopes and dreams for my life. I truly believe that He has things in store that I cannot even image. Greater things are yet to come! LIVE DANGEROUS, LIVE DIFFERENT!
If you made it this far, and want to get as close as possible to the experience without actually making the jump, just watch the video clip below.
Skydiving – Sept 2008 from Greg Davis on Vimeo.