The start of a new year is often a great time to get oneself reorganized, set goals and do some planning. Planning and goal setting are great things to do but it is easy to become discouraged if we don’t achieve or accomplish them. As a result, many people (I’ve been guilty) give up […]
Does Your Inbox Need an Upgrade?
Email is probably the oldest “app” in the tech business that is widely used by the masses. But that doesn’t mean you should have to settle for a bad experience. While web-based mail like Google and Yahoo have come a long way in their development, there are still a large number of folks who prefer […]
Pretty Email Signatures
If you use a web-based mail service like Gmail or Yahoo you may not be aware that you can add an automatic signature to the bottom of your emails. It wasn’t until recently that Gmail actually even gave you basic formating controls (like bold, font color, etc) so previously only plain text was possible. There […]
Google Goodness – Priority Inbox
Wow – this could be a great help to a lot of people struggling with email overload! It looks like Google is just rolling this out and it’s not active on all accounts yet (including mine) but I can’t wait to see it in action. For a sneak peak, check out the video below or […]
Automatic WordPress Backup
In the previous post in this series on backups, I talked about a great tool for backing up a Joomla! website. Now, I’d like to highlight another awesome tool that makes backing up your WordPress site a snap. The plugin is called Automatic WordPress Backup. It is a breeze to setup and get running and […]