I recently heard about a challenge from WordPress to get bloggers writing and posting more in 2011. Mashable & CNN even did write-ups about the challenge. Over the New Year holiday, WordPress issued a challenge to its blogger-users: Write and publish one post a day (or a week) throughout 2011. For non-professional and personal bloggers, writing […]
The Most Special Gift
As exciting as he has been to watch and as great has his performance on the field has been this season, the most impressive performance about Michael Vick has been the turn around of his personal life. No one is perfect, but EVERYONE deserves a second chance. At this time of year where we stop […]
You Are More
At this time of year it is easy to be caught up in all of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. While it is a great time for celebration and joy it can also be a time where many are lonely, depressed and afraid. I fear that we may often not notice those […]
photo by Chris Willis on Flickr At Catalyst this past October, the theme was “Tension is Good“. They explored the notion that not all conflicts are problems to solve and that some are simply tensions that should be managed – despite our nature to try to get rid of all conflict in our lives. I was […]
20 Years
Today marks 20 years since Mary and I have been married. It seems hard to believe that it has been that long already, but 2 decades and 2 children later I am happy to say we are still together. I don’t know where I’d be today or how I would have made it without her. […]